Top Five PR Practices for Midsize Law Firms

Date: March 28, 2024

With the continually changing digital landscape that we all work in, it can sometimes be hard to identify what the “best practices” are for any marketing strategy. PR is no exception. Despite this, there are some evergreen tactics that have proven success over years of implementation by firms of all sizes. So whether you’re starting from scratch or refining your plan, ensure these five practices are incorporated into your law firm’s PR strategy for optimal performance that will stand the test of time.

Press Releases

Although it may seem like an obvious answer, press releases are the name of the game for a reason! These announcement-style pieces continue to be one of the best ways to get news about your company in front of the media, which is critical for keeping your firm relevant and recognizable. Common press release topics can be exciting business deals, new leadership hires, or announcements of successful cases.

Sharing these releases on your website is an easy way to keep your news section updated, but be sure to have a curated list of media contacts that the news can also be shared with. This list should include journalists and editors who consistently cover updates and advancements in the legal sphere. Doing consistent research on new media personnel and publications will also help your list stay relevant and make sure your news is getting to the right people.

Blog Posts

Incorporating a blog to your website is another crucial piece of the digital PR game. By sharing blogs that feature your firm’s unique insight, future clients will feel confident in your skills, knowledge, and expertise. Plus, maintaining a consistent blog schedule will keep your website up-to-date and relevant for any interested customers.  

Blogs also act as a great opportunity for your firm to prioritize practice areas that may need attention, or highlight ones that are performing very well. From breaking down confusing practices to answering specific questions clients may be asking, and detailing trending legal topics, ensure the content you create will assist future clients while emphasizing your firm’s authority for successful and great press.   

Guest Articles

Similar to blog posts, guest articles act as a vehicle for sharing your firm’s knowledge with potential clients. However, rather than being hosted on your website, guest blogs are shared by another trusted legal news source. This allows your firm to tap into a new, untapped audience, while aligning itself with a respected editorial outlet.

When it comes to your firm’s PR, this tactic is wildly helpful. Getting your firm’s name in front of possible customers is crucial for bringing in new leads and growing your business. Not only that, but working together with an already established and reliable site will make this new audience all the more willing to trust your credibility and authority as a legal leader. 

Thought Leadership

When it comes to creating authority for your firm, thought leadership opportunities are one of the best. These press items can include anything from quotes, interviews, or think pieces on trending legal topics and common industry questions. Whether shared on social media or in collaboration with a legal journalist, any media that identifies your firm as a leader will push your campaign in the right direction. 

Since these pieces will highlight your firm’s legal knowledge and identify it as a key player, this is a perfect time to call on your senior partners. With their years of experience working the field, any quotes or insight they share will add an extra edge of reliability and respect to your pieces that is sure to help your firm stand out from the competition. 


A major part of any digital PR strategy, backlinking will ensure that your high-quality content can actually be found by internet inquirers. A backlink is simply any link that takes a viewer from one page to another, and in turn, introduces them to new sites, new resources, and new information. Having backlinks to your content is critical on both your firm’s website and on other trusted websites across the internet.

For the blogs and service pages that exist on your website, include links to your firm’s other pages that may be helpful for readers. Does an uncommon legal term come up in your blog post? Link to your firm’s service page that explains it in great detail. To get backlinks on other sites, be sure to include them in any guest articles, press releases, or thought leadership pieces that you contribute. This way, when those new audiences are reading your content, they have a direct link to utilize your resources. 

With these practices in place, your firm is at a PR advantage and will be on a positive trajectory to success. While these classic and trusted practices are the basis of almost every campaign, don’t be afraid to incorporate additional strategies into your plan! For insight on additional PR tactics that can be used by beginner or veteran firms alike, contact us today to learn more about our digital PR and SEO services.