Six Blog Topic Ideas for Law Firms

Date: July 26, 2022

One of the most important areas when it comes to SEO for many businesses, including attorneys and law firms, is publishing new content on a consistent basis, usually through blogs. Blogging regularly can be an incredible source of new traffic for your law firm’s website, and when performed correctly, can translate into a steady source of potential new clients.

Remember, if your current clients are asking the question, future clients probably need an answer, too. Blogs can help give them that answer and lead them right to your services. Below is a list of six blog ideas and topics for any law firm to consider as developing a content strategy.

Information on specific practice areas

A key part of any law firm’s website is an in-depth explanation of the practice areas they serve. Your expertise in your practice area is perhaps your greatest strength. It’s also the most sought-after resource amongst your potential clients. To reach the right people, you can generate blog posts about your specific practice areas so that online searchers can find some of the answers they are looking for.

For example, if you are a matrimonial attorney, you can cover every niche of marital law rather than write a single divorce law-related blog post – creating a step-by-step guide covering what to do if someone is looking to file for divorce with a follow-up blog post covering what to do when filing a prenuptial agreement – showing your expertise and knowledge on multiple topics.

Recent changes in law

When laws change, people tend to research and dive into new updates surrounding particular laws. Being the most accurate resource to write about the changes – or being a first or early-mover – as well as writing the most comprehensive article about the change is best, especially if they’re researching using a search engine like Google or Bing and only retrieving obsolete information regarding the law in question. 

There are two advantages to this: 

  1. You’re more likely to be ranked in Google for the updated information
  2. Your firm could receive press attention for supplying the information

In some cases, you may even get press mentions or authoritative links from media outlets sites’ back to yours. This is great for SEO purposes.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Blogs are a great example of how simple FAQs can be expanded into more elaborate articles. Because the answer usually depends, one question could lead to answering many more. Based on your knowledge and experience with the most common circumstances and fact patterns in your practice area, this can turn a one-paragraph answer into a 1000-plus word article.

Case Studies

Client case studies and success stories can render powerful content for blogging. Both for topic inspiration as well as their impact within the article or post itself. Case studies can make good article ideas when attached to a practice area or legal challenge that you can demonstrate your expertise in or want to get across to others going through similar legal issues.

On the other hand, case studies can be powerful for reinforcing the points that you’re trying to discuss within the article, mentioning specific case snippets where appropriate to demonstrate your points more clearly. Incorporating case studies in your blogging is a great way to make your points, as well as to come off as a thought leader and authority in the industry, demonstrating previous successes.

Write a case study about your successful cases. It is a great way to build trust with visitors, as it shows that you’ve seen success in your practice. Sharing your client’s inspirational story is an effective way to reach people. This gives your audience an idea of who your typical client is and what you can do for them. 

Helpful information for potential clients

Think about how you may answer one of those frequently asked legal questions a client may have in a meeting or consultation with them. After you provide an answer, they’ll usually have more questions on the subject. These can be labeled as follow-up questions. Instead of just answering that single question in a blog, attempt to predict the following questions and answer those as well after answering the main question in the post. This way, instead of simply answering a user’s question and them going back to Google or Bing to search for that follow-up question, your anticipation of that next question keeps them on your site.

Commentary on Trending or High-Profile Cases in the News

Reading the newspaper, news websites, or other blogs are excellent ways to come up with relevant topics that are blog-worthy. Finding a headline that you can relate to what you practice will grab your reader’s attention. Especially if they’ve been paying attention to that headline themselves.

Looking to kickstart your law firm’s blog?

Starting a blog isn’t easy, but you can avoid many of the challenges by hiring the right SEO agency. Our team can save you time and resources by creating a blogging strategy that works from the start—no need for trial and error on your own. To learn more about how 9Sail can help, contact us!