How to Turn FAQs into Blog Topics

Date: August 11, 2022

As important as content writing is, it can be an overwhelming responsibility that requires in-depth writing skills and time. The good news is, you might already have a list of great content ideas for your blog and you may not even know it. Your Frequently Asked Questions are ideal topics for blog content! Yes, your FAQs are a blog topic gold mine.

What are FAQs?

An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is a key part of a knowledge base because it addresses the most common questions customers have and is useful to customers at all stages of the customer journey. FAQs start with a question and then answer it concisely. Within a knowledge base template, FAQs can function as their own articles (e.g., “How much does a divorce cost in New Jersey?”) or be incorporated into a longer series (e.g., “What does the divorce process entail?”). 

Are FAQs good for SEO?

FAQs are great for SEO. Clients and prospects alike have adopted a “Google it” mantra when it comes to any question or related topic. They check online resources first when doing research on a topic. Instead of making your customers wander through the pages of Google, optimize your blog with answers to FAQs to help them find information faster.

So, how do you create FAQ blog content? Here are a few tips.

  • Do keyword research to understand how your customers are searching and identify the gaps in your current content
  • Make your content digestible with subheadings, bulleted lists, and short paragraphs.
  • Use internal links to connect relevant practice areas or other pages.
  • Keep your knowledge base running efficiently by paying attention to things like outdated content, or updates to certain laws or regulations.

Educating and Engaging Your Audience

Ask yourself: What are the ten questions I get asked the most in my business?

Using your blog to elaborate on the most asked questions is a great way to help build your web traffic and new visitors. Link to your blog from the FAQs and elaborate by using two or three paragraphs to explain the answer to the question in greater detail. Future prospects just may find their way to you as a result of that blog.

As long as you have a business and an audience, you’ll have questions about what your business does, how your services work, and what benefits they deliver. Think about it, FAQs address the biggest question points that your clients have when it comes to your area of expertise, or specifically, your product or service.

The first objectives, educating your audience and keeping them engaged, can also make them spend more time on your page, especially if you address customer/client FAQs This, in turn, can boost your search results. The longer people spend on your page, the more likely Google is to view it as a trustworthy resource its algorithms can recommend to others.

By creating an entire blog post out of each FAQ, you ensure your reader has a crystal-clear understanding of the topic. More importantly, because your blog answered their questions, they’re better poised to entrust you with their business. 

Instead of just answering a question, think about additional content someone might be interested in because they are asking a certain question. Is there a guide or tips you could offer them that are related to their question? Are there other topics that go hand-in-hand with the original question asked? Asking yourself these key questions can help ignite additional topics for even more content pieces.

Set Your Business Up for Success

Not sure where to start? Hiring the right SEO company can help! 9Sail knows what Google and other search engines want to see, and we apply our years of knowledge to make sure you’re in front of potential customers right when they need you: after they hit “enter”.

Interested in catching a glimpse of what a targeted SEO strategy could do for you? Contact us to learn more.