How to Identify Target Audiences for PR Outreach

Date: June 28, 2023

Public Relations (PR) involves effectively communicating your business’s message to an intended audience. In order to achieve this, it is crucial to have a focused approach and to define your target audience. For example, if your law firm specializes in entertainment law, your target audience would be those in the entertainment industry or anyone interested in pop culture news. So in order to reach this targeted audience, you would want to have your PR professional or agency reach out to entertainment-related publications or pop culture news sources.

A target audience refers to the group of individuals who will be most interested in what your business has to offer. Therefore, identifying and finding speaking opportunities for these groups directly is key.

Defining Your PR Outreach

To effectively reach your target audience, it is essential for your company to establish a PR outreach strategy. First, consider the different ways in which your company can engage, inform, and connect with the general public. This can be achieved by tailoring your media outreach efforts with timely news updates, information about your company’s services that can address a particular issue, or highlights featuring any recent awards or recognition your company has received. By tailoring your media outreach, you are creating brand awareness of your business with journalists and writers who may not know you. This helps with building strong relationships with journalists and writers. 

To effectively reach your target audience, it’s crucial to have either you or your PR professional research journalists and writers to identify the publications they write for and determine if their audience is a good match for your business. In addition, establishing solid relationships with journalists can be mutually beneficial as you are able to exchange insights and information with each other. 

After conducting research on publications and journalists, it’s time to focus on your target audience. This involves correlating the audience of the publications with your potential target audience and identifying why they are a good fit and how you can appeal to them by using PR outreach.

Adapting Your Message for Different Audiences

When reaching out to different target audiences through your PR strategy, it’s important to consider how to approach each one. For instance, a PR professional’s pitch to a law publication may focus more on the lawyers of the law firm, their case successes, or press releases. In contrast, a family and lifestyle publication may be more interested in the knowledge and expertise of your law firm. 

For you to adapt your key messaging for different audiences, you will need to identify the specific members of each of those segments to promote yourself effectively to them. These individuals could include past clients, potential clients, and industry experts, as well as identifying the specific publications your competitors and your target audience members are digesting. Therefore, tailoring your PR and marketing approach and outreach to each specific audience is crucial for success.

Understanding the needs of each individual is crucial. For example, if your law firm specializes in elder law, your target audience would be outside the age range of Gen-Z, as they would not be seeking your law firm’s services. Instead, your target audience age would be elderly individuals or those who provide care for elderly family members—people who would immediately be seeking your law firm’s services. 

Evaluating and Refining Your Target Audience Over Time

Refining and revising your target audience after a few months is always a good idea to ensure your brand awareness and business goals are being met. However, as your business constantly grows, your target audience will also change. Therefore, to refine and evaluate your target audience, you need to review your PR strategy regularly and determine if your current audience is the right fit for the services your business is offering. 

To determine if your business should redefine its target audience, consider whether you have flooded them with the same information using different words. If this is the case, it’s time to reassess. For example, when your PR agency reaches out to the media and publications, they should pitch various story angles to engage writers that will ultimately share those angles with their readers. 

If your same story angles are being pitched too frequently to writers, start by reevaluating the age groups your company can or is interested in serving. This will help you revisit and refine your target audience. For example, if you are a business law firm, think of ways to impact employees with a business perspective instead of focusing strictly on businesses. This will allow your media outreach efforts to connect and reach a wider audience than you may have intended. It’s essential to continuously evaluate and refine your target audience to achieve your business goals and gain new potential clients.

Are you looking to connect with your target audience? Trust 9Sail to help you out! Our expert team puts SEO first and can lead you through digital PR outreach and engagements that are guaranteed to boost your lead generation and revenue. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!