What Factors Affect Your Content’s Success?

Date: October 6, 2022

You’re probably already familiar with the idea of creating content for your company or law firm as part of your marketing campaign. You may have even already produced some pieces of content to advance your company’s content marketing efforts. But not all content is created equal, and there are certain elements that need to be considered in order to maximize the positive impact of your content on your business goals.

Understanding Your Target Audience

A major factor to achieving success with your content is writing for your target audience. Knowing what your audience most needs to know about your niche gives your content a huge head start, and understanding who you’re talking to helps you focus your blogs in a meaningful way. Who is your most common customer or client? What is their most common gender, background, relationship status or income level? What questions do you hear most frequently asked upon first meeting a new client? Knowing the answers to these questions gives your content direction, and making an effort to point your content towards your target audience exponentially increases your chances of landing your content in front of new qualified leads. This knowledge can also help you understand where to share your content so that it ends up in places where your target audience will see it.  

Timing and Frequency of Posts

Online activity is a major factor for the success of your content marketing strategy. With thousands of businesses fighting for the visibility of their content, content creation can become a numbers game. While you do not want to inundate your potential clients with new, extended pieces of content every day so as to not fatigue them, you want to ensure that your company is always staying at top of mind. Finding the right balance for your company should be part of the development of your marketing campaign. Consistency is also important – having a regular flow of new content on your website ensures that there’s always some new way for a potential client to find you. Consider, too, the time of day or day of the week on which you post new content. You may find that most of your conversions come from content posted around the same day or time, which may indicate that this is when your target demographic is most likely to be looking for your niche. 

Tone and Energy

You want your company or law firm to stand out to your potential clients, and you want your content to bring in qualified leads who are impressed with your knowledge and experience. Part of hooking their attention through high quality content is considering your tone, energy and word choices when producing blogs. Writing specifically for the audience you desire is a major factor in drawing that audience in. It’s important to consider whether you want your tone to be more colloquial or more staid, infused with humor or focused and strong. All are viable options, but only you know what will speak the most to the audience you wish to convert. Factoring the personality of your company into your content will project that energy alongside your knowledge of the topic at hand. 

Relevance and Creativity of Your Topic

An important fact to remember is that while you work hard in your content marketing efforts, so too do your competitors. Factoring in readability, creativity and usefulness of the information can make a huge difference in how your content is received. You may approach your content from an angle related to current events, or you may take a common topic in your industry and look at it in an entirely new way. Alternatively, you may take a common question in your niche and break it down into easily consumable pieces that provide a huge amount of useful knowledge in an engaging way. Content should feel like it has a purpose, and that purpose is for the audience, not for the company producing it – that is, it shouldn’t feel like a sales pitch. Seek to inform in an engaging way, and visitors are significantly more likely to return to your site in the future.  

Sharing Your Content on Social Media

The overall goal of producing content is to have it be seen by potential clients, and to establish yourself as a leading expert in your field. One vital way to generate this reach is through the use of social media. In modern times, so many people turn to social media, from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn, to help make their decisions and develop their opinions of companies and law firms. Having high engagement with your content on social media reinforces your position as someone with expertise – if a prospective client comes across your content on social media and sees hundreds of comments, likes, shares and even healthy discourse, you’ve started to build trust before they even read the content in question. This reinforces the truth that a significant factor in generating successful content is putting effort into your reach – the more people who see and engage with your content, the more likely it is to generate leads for your business. 

Take Your Company’s Content Marketing Efforts to the Next Level

It can feel like there are an overwhelming number of factors to consider when producing quality content for your company or law firm. At 9Sail, we specialize in helping professionals and attorneys like you with their SEO marketing and content creation. We know what the necessary steps are to create content that is both informative and relevant, helping to put your website in front of as many potential clients as possible.

We encourage you to set up a free consultation with our team of experts to start the content creation process. You can make your appointment by calling or submitting your contact information through our online form. We look forward to hearing from you!