PR Tools to Use For Your Law Firm

Date: August 1, 2023

What Is PR And Why Is It Important For Law Firms?

Public Relations is the practice of managing and maintaining the communication and image of a company or organization to the public and various stakeholders and is an essential part of boosting any brand’s visibility. It involves strategically crafting and disseminating information to shape public perception and maintain a positive reputation.

PR is important for law firms to help shape public perception, build and maintain a positive reputation, and attract clients and talent. By strategically managing their image and communication, law firms can strengthen their position in the legal market and remain competitive.

PR Strategies For Your Firm

It can be tricky to create and implement a PR strategy, especially if starting from scratch. Below are a few tools that can help get your PR strategy started.

Set Your Goals

Setting clear and measurable goals is essential in PR. This ensures that your efforts align with your organization’s overall objectives and can help gauge the success of your PR campaigns.

Start by determining the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of your PR efforts. KPIs could include media mentions, website traffic, social media engagement, lead generation, conversion rates, and any other relevant metrics your firm would like to track. Research and set realistic benchmarks for each KPI based on past performance or industry standards. This will help you assess your progress and effectiveness of your PR campaigns, without setting unrealistic expectations.

Key Messaging

Establishing your key messaging is a crucial first step in any marketing effort. Key messages are the foundation of your communication strategy and are essential to achieving impact with PR. Narrow down the important points that align with your firm and stick to them!


Content is the core of effective PR. It helps organizations connect with their audience on various platforms. Well-crafted content is essential for creating a positive and lasting impression in the minds of clients and the public. Content such as press releases, media alerts, news mentions, and blogs are just a few examples of content that can be used to publicize your firm.

One of the best ways to stay in the public eye is to celebrate the big events in your law firm. A few examples of these can include:

  • Winning a major case
  • Expanding geographically/opening up a new office
  • Winning an award or recognition
  • Onboarding new talent to your law firm

Social Media

Social media can be a great tool for your PR strategy, as it can be a powerful and effective way to reach and engage with your target audience, build brand awareness, and manage your organization’s reputation. In fact, 71% of lawyers say they currently receive client requests from social media

One of the biggest benefits of social media is that it allows you to have conversations with your clients and build a sense of community. 

When you create a community, clients become advocates for your business. Creating a community is a great way of establishing referral sources. If a current or previous client had a great experience with your firm, they are likely to recommend you to a friend or family member.

Leverage your firm’s social media by creating and sharing useful content with members of your audience and then engaging with them when they comment. Figure out when your audience is the most engaged and then plan your posting schedule and community engagement around those times.

Measure Your Results

Measuring the results of your PR tools is arguably just as important as the tools themselves. Data and analytics are essential when determining which PR and marketing strategies are most effective.

Although the full impact of a specific campaign can sometimes be difficult to track, here are a few public relations and marketing measurement tools that can help you see quantifiable data from PR and marketing efforts:

  • Cision – This is a great PR tool for creating journalist lists, PR reports, and disseminating press releases and media alerts.
  • Google Analytics – GA is the most important tool when it comes to analyzing your website data.
  • MuckRack – This is a great tool for creating relationships with journalists and pitching.
  • Google Search Console – GSC can help you see which specific web pages have received the most impressions and engagement.

Not Sure Where to Start?

If you’re ready to dive into Digital PR and Content Creation, 9Sail can help! Contact us for more information.