Optimizing Your Law Firm Content for Google’s AI Overviews

Date: July 18, 2024

Chatter around AI overviews and chatbots displaying in search engine result pages (SERPs) began in recent years with the introduction of Google’s Bard, which is now known as Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot in Bing. While the two major tech giants are still working out the kinks and details of AI and how it will be implemented in search results in the long run, there have been many tests. One of the most recent is Google’s use of AI overviews within their search results. 

What Are Google’s AI Overviews? 

Google’s AI overviews are auto-generated in response to search queries and are prominently displayed at the top of the search results page. Unlike conventional featured snippets that extract information from a single source, Google’s AI overviews compile data from various websites. This capability is enabled by Google’s Gemini large language model (LLM), which integrates information to provide a comprehensive answer to a user’s query.

It’s important to note that AI Overviews won’t show up for every single search you do, as Google is continuously testing how to improve its capabilities to enhance the user’s search experience. 

Pictured below is an example of an AI Overview when searching for ‘how to file for divorce in Georgia’. 

Five Ways to Optimize Your Law Firm Content For Google’s AI Overviews 

With the rise of these AI overviews, how can your firm optimize its content to begin appearing in the results? Some ways to optimize your law firm’s content for Google’s AI overviews include the following:

Focus on User Intent 

Google’s AI overviews prioritize content that satisfies user intent. This means your firm needs to identify what each piece of content is about and how it will satisfy the targeted users’ intent. When creating content, be sure to conduct keyword research to better understand how your target audience is searching and what they may be searching for in regards to the legal services your firm provides. 

Write in Layman Terms 

It’s critical to have your content written in a clear, concise, and conversational tone that is easy for both AI algorithms and everyday users to understand. This is especially important if your attorneys are writing the content themselves, as they can sometimes get caught up in the legal jargon and forget that the person reading the content most likely did not go to law school– remember, it’s best to keep it simple. 

Consider Readability

Improving your content’s readability not only helps with SEO and showing up in AI overviews, but it also helps improve overall user experience. With the average reader spending just 52 seconds reading a blog post, it’s important to make your content as easily readable as possible while also making it effortless for someone to skim the content and find exactly what they are looking for without having to read the whole piece of content. 

Some ways to improve readability include: 

  • Breaking up your content with relevant headings
  • Utilizing bulleted lists
  • Keeping paragraphs short (4-5 sentences) 
  • Including images or graphics where relevant 

Remember E.E.A.T.

Amid a future with AI, trustworthiness and authoritativeness continue to be of utmost importance. Don’t forget to ensure your content follows E.E.A.T. (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness). Some ways to incorporate E.E.A.T. into your content include: 

  • Proving author information 
  • Incorporating reliable sources 
  • Generating high-quality and original content 

Additionally, it’s important to remember that building backlinks and establishing your attorneys as thought leaders within their practice areas is pertinent to building trust and credibility with both search engines and potential new clients. 

Utilize Informative Headings 

Incorporating informative headings within the content on your law firm’s website can help trigger your firm in Google’s AI overviews. This is especially true if you use your headings to answer common questions or strategically include keywords in them. 

For example, if you are a family law firm, you may have a blog article titled “What to Ask Your Divorce Attorney.” Some headings you could include are “How Long Will My Divorce Take,” “How Much Will My Divorce Cost,” etc. As you can see, these suggested headers address questions that are frequently asked regarding divorce.   

Stay Ahead of the AI Curve With Guidance From Legal SEO Experts 

The AI landscape within search engine result pages is ever-evolving, which is why it is all the more critical to have an experienced legal SEO professional in your corner. Working with someone who is involved in the world of SEO and Google daily can provide your firm with a competitive edge over other firms who are not paying as much attention.
If you’re looking to improve your firm’s presence on the web and generate more leads from online sources, reach out to the team at 9Sail today to get a conversation started on how we can form a valuable partnership.