Making the Most of Your Law Firm’s Google Business Profile

Date: September 11, 2024

Whether your law firm is just starting out or you’re looking to improve your online presence, having a Google Business Profile is a critical element of modern digital marketing. Will you see the best results just by creating a profile, though? It’s not likely. Creation is just the first step you need to take to make the most of your Google Business Profile. While there are innumerable customizable items and ways to optimize your profile, there are a few key features that will help make your firm stand out against local competitors. 

What Are The Features of Your Google Business Profile?

Your law firm’s Google Business Profile can really shine with local clients. These individuals are likely searching for your firm’s specific practice areas combined with your city’s name. With the help of SEO, your Google Business Profile can show up as a result for these searches, and having an optimized profile will give those potential clients the best experience. Of the many features offered on your Google profile, the ones you don’t want to miss out on include:

  • Business Information: This covers your firms’ most need-to-know information, such as contact details, business hours, and your website. Take it a step further by identifying your business categories and services, and including helpful photos of the building and lobby.
  • Reviews: Reviews are written by clients, relaying their positive or negative experiences with your brand. With a verified Google Business Profile, your team can respond to each review and monitor for inappropriate content like spam and profanity.
  • Google Post Updates: A Google Post, or update, can include anything from breaking news to spotlights on common practice areas. These can be updated as frequently as you’d like; however, we recommend posting weekly to keep your profile current for potential clients.
  • Communications Management: From tracking calls and direct messages to providing accessible booking links, your Google Business Profile can act as a hub for direct client communications. 

How Can Your Google Business Profile Boost Business?

With these updates now made, will it really make a difference for your clients and business? While your expertise and knowledge as an attorney will undoubtedly be a final decider for many clients, your law firm’s first impression is often made before the individual even reaches out to express interest. From that initial Google search, your firm’s Google Business Profile can help nurture client relationships and increase your brand authority and web traffic to reach more potential clients than ever before.

Make a Good First Impression

Picture this: your Google search for “elder law New York City” puts two law firms in front of you. The first has a completed profile with attractive images, contact and business information up front, and a direct link to their booking page. The second firm…just doesn’t. Your interest was likely piqued by that first firm, right? In a lot of cases, your Google Business Profile will be one of the first things a client sees, so it’s important to make a good first impression. 

Having all of your crucial business information easily accessible and readily available makes things easier for the client, foregoing the potential for small frustrations and grievances to pop up before you can prove your value. Including details on your profile like your services and practice areas can assist the client with decision making right off the bat, while going the extra mile to add photos of the building can create a sense of trust and comfort for the client.

Nurture Client Relations

From consultation to closing, your Google Business Profile offers you a space to really showcase your brand values when it comes to client relations. Clients are looking for a firm, and attorney, who will value their time, show compassion, and express professionalism and expertise in their practice area. The best place for your team to highlight these qualities is in the reviews section of your Google Business Profile.

Responding to reviews, whether they be positive or negative, in a timely manner shows your firm appreciates the client’s time and feedback, and are willing to listen. This consistency and respect in response acts as a green flag for any potential client who will scroll through your firm’s reviews.

Increase Authority and Web Traffic

You’ve likely already showcased your authority as a leader in the industry through blog posts, media placements, and key practice area pages on your website. With your Google Business Profile, you can take further advantage of these items by posting them as Updates to your profile. This will continue your thought leader momentum by showcasing your authority to new clients, which will appear as soon as they search.

Additionally, these Google profile posts and updates can lead to an increase in website traffic. Each post requires a link, meaning your firm can lead potential clients to your latest press item, a popular practice area, or a new blog with critical trending information. Use an informative and exciting pull quote from one of these media items as your Google post description to entice readers and make them want to learn more about your firm! 

Additional Benefits for your Google Business Profile

To get even more benefits, your firm can connect its Google Business Profile to Google Analytics. This will allow your team to get a full understanding of how your business is performing in local search by tracking the links that attract the most clicks. Over time, your firm will be able to identify what is and isn’t working, and make adjustments to make the most of your Google Business Profile.

Getting Started with Google Business Profile

Curating your Google Business Profile isn’t a one stop shop — this is a marketing asset that should be consistently updated in order to reap its full potential. There are tons of resources online to assist with profile creation and maintenance, but if your team is struggling to get started, there are ways to help! Contact us today to learn how 9Sail’s law firm SEO services can boost your firm’s online presence.